Podge Thomas is a multi-racial, multi-cultural, queer Lady Boss! After a decade of working for small businesses and nonprofits, she decided to pursue her calling centered around supporting women and their path to freedom through creating their own businesses. She is the founder of Small Business Co-Pilot where she works as a business consultant and coach offering services geared towards small businesses owned and operated by women. She specializes in talent management and organizational change and can provide the support you need so you can focus on having the business you want.

Joanna Lovering

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Podge shares her story behind her unconventional career path
  • The advantages & opportunities of small businesses
  • Podge’s negotiation tips for women
  • How to determine your learning type
  • What it means to be “neuro-diverse”
  • Tips for building cohesive teams
  • The power of intersectionality

In this episode…

If women are good leaders, they risk being branded “too bossy” or “too tough.” If they set boundaries, or ask for what they need to succeed, they’re “too demanding.” If they are passionate about their work, they’re “too emotional.” Every day women across the world face a barrage of double standards that men are not subjected to. As Podge Thomas says, the system wasn’t built for us or by us, so it’s up to us to continue to build a better one.

In this week’s episode, host Sarah Nichols sits down with Talent Management Specialist & Business Consultant, Podge Thomas to discuss the importance of women taking risks, speaking up, and asking for what they need. They also discuss what it means to be “neurodiverse” as well as the benefits of leveraging peoples’ differences.

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is brought to you by Nichols Law, PC, a San Francisco-based firm that represents clients worldwide and is dedicated to ensuring that women are treated and paid fairly in the workplace.

Nichols Law PC was founded by Sarah Nichols and their mission is to close the wage gap for women and give a voice to employees. Nichols Law represents individuals in retaliation to their discrimination and wage and hour claims. They also assist employees in negotiating their exits from employers.

If you aren’t sure if you’re being treated fairly, visit their website at www.nicholslawyer.com and get a no-cost consultation. You can also send them an email at consult@nicholslawyer.com or give them a call at 415-504-3095.