June 13, 2024

Today is LGBTQIA+ Equal Pay Awareness Day!

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation found that full-time LGBTQIA+ workers make approximately 90 cents for every $1 earned by the average worker in the US. It’s even larger for LGBTQ+ women– at 79 cents.

In a year marked by numerous anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation, it is crucial to address wage inequality alongside other forms of discrimination. Inclusive solutions are needed to uplift all voices within the diverse LGBTQIA+ community.

Some ways you can help take action include:

– Supporting the Equality Act: This Act would end legal discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation in employment, education, housing, and more [link in bio]

– Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Data Inclusion Act: This Act ensures federal agencies collect data on sexual orientation and gender identity to better address the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community [link in bio]

-Supporting @equalrightsadv @equalpay2dayorg

Let’s fight for a future where everyone is valued and compensated fairly. Your support can make a difference!

June 11, 2024

At Nichols Law, we stand with the LGBTQIA+ community in celebrating Pride Month and beyond. We honor the progress made towards equality while recognizing the ongoing struggles, particularly for trans rights and against violence targeting LGBTQIA+ youth.

Trans individuals, especially trans youth, face alarming rates of violence and discrimination. We commend the bravery of those who live authentically in the face of adversity and are committed to advocating for their rights and safety.

Pride Month reminds us of the importance of diversity, acceptance, and continuous advocacy. This commitment extends to our clients, colleagues, and community. We support LGBTQIA+ rights in our work, ensuring everyone is treated with dignity and respect. To our LGBTQIA+ clients, colleagues, and community – We see you and we fight with you.

Join us in celebrating and supporting the LGBTQIA+ community this month and every month. Together, let’s work towards a world where everyone can live equally.

For more information and resources on supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, check out the links in our bio for:

– @humanrightscampaign
– @mentalhealthamerica
– @ypapride
– @aclu_nationwide

June 7, 2024

A huge congratulations to Claudia Sheinbaum on her historic election as Mexico’s first female president! The granddaughter of Jewish immigrants who fled Europe, Sheinbaum is an environmental scientist with a Nobel Peace Prize and the former mayor of Mexico City. She won with nearly 59% of the vote, marking a significant step towards gender equality in a country facing gender-based violence and misogyny.

Sheinbaum’s election is not just a political triumph but a beacon of progress. Her win is a testament to the resilience and determination of women in politics.

[PC: @ Thomson Reuters]

May 31, 2024

It was wonderful celebrating Equal Rights Advocates 50th anniversary last night!

The evening was filled with iconic, inspiring speakers, including Congresswoman @barbaraleeforca@rosannaarquette , one of the first to speak up against Harvey Weinstein; @alysiamontano, who broke a Track and Field record while 8 months pregnant; and actress @francesfisher, whose advocacy has helped achieve fair pay and benefits for workers. It was also a night of meaningful connections, both old and new. We look forward to continuing our support of ERA, their stronger CA agenda, and the Equal Pay Today initiative in the future.

To learn more about ERA and how you can support their amazing work, check out their website here: https://buff.ly/39yTgmU

May 31, 2024

New York has set a precedent by becoming the first state to mandate that employers pay for prenatal care leave!

On April 20th, Governor Kathy Hochul signed an amendment to the Paid Sick Leave law, requiring employers to offer up to 20 hours of paid prenatal personal leave within a 52-week period. This innovative leave, which can be taken in hourly increments, allows employees to attend healthcare appointments, undergo testing, or receive treatments related to their pregnancy. Employees will be paid at their regular rate or the applicable minimum wage, whichever is higher. This is a significant milestone as it is the first law in the United States to establish a separate paid leave specifically for prenatal care.

Plus, starting June 19, 2024, New York will also require paid lactation breaks for nursing employees for up to three years post-childbirth.

We commend these progressive steps and hope that other states will follow suit to offer more comprehensive support for working mothers.

May 23, 2024

Despite significant growth in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) jobs, disparities persist, especially for women of color across various STEM occupations.

To close the gender gap and support women of color in STEM, it’s crucial to address these disparities head-on by advocating for:

– Access to Education: Ensure equitable access to STEM education, as Black and Hispanic adults are less likely to earn STEM degrees compared to other fields.

– Mentorship and Support Programs: Establish mentorship programs tailored to the needs of women of color in STEM. With only 38% of physicians and surgeons being women, targeted support is essential.

– Advocacy for Policy Change: Advocate for policies promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM education and workforce recruitment.

– Creating Inclusive Work Environments: Foster inclusive work environments where women of color feel valued and empowered. With women comprising only 25% of computer workers, there’s a pressing need for inclusive tech workplaces.

– Representation and Visibility: Elevate the visibility of women of color in STEM. Despite earning 53% of STEM college degrees, they remain underrepresented in fields like engineering and computer science.

By addressing these disparities and actively supporting women of color in STEM, we can build a more inclusive and equitable future for all. Let’s work together to break down barriers and create opportunities for all women!

May 12, 2024

On this Mother’s Day, we extend our heartfelt wishes to all those who embody the spirit of motherhood in its countless forms. From the devoted mothers and grandmothers to the nurturing aunts, sisters, and mother figures, from the resilient LGBTQ+ parents to those with complex relationships or estrangements, and to every individual who has experienced the joys and challenges of caregiving, we honor and celebrate your diverse experiences and contributions.

We also acknowledge that Mother’s Day can evoke a range of emotions for many. To those who have lost mothers, who have struggled with infertility or miscarriage, who yearn to become mothers, who are navigating the complexities of blended families or non-traditional parenting roles, or who find this day difficult for any reason, we extend our compassion and support. Your journey, whatever it may be, is valid and deserving of acknowledgment.

Today, and every day, we recognize the strength, love, and resilience of all the incredible moms/mums/mas out there, in every form they may take. We are proud of all the mothers we represent and see your courage as you fight back against discrimination and retaliation.

Happy Mother’s Day from Nichols Law.

May 9, 2024

Congratulations to the five incredible companies that received funding this year at BizWorld.org’s Yes! Demo Day. Sarah had a lot of fun serving as a judge with Amit Kumar and Casey Ellis. It was a privilege to support an organization that not only inspires but that actively shapes the future of entrepreneurship. With these young and innovative entrepreneurs stepping out, the future is looking very bright.

May 3, 2024

Protections for LGBTQ+ students are crucial. Last week, the Biden administration implemented new federal rules under Title IX (the 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination in educational programs that receive federal funding) extending protections for LGBTQ+ students against discrimination and harassment in schools, effective August 1st, 2024. These rules broaden the scope of Title IX, explicitly prohibiting discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

This signifies progress towards creating safer and more inclusive environments for all students. Unlike the previous administration’s policies, which narrowed protections, these changes expand Title IX’s scope to explicitly protect LGBTQ+ individuals.

While this is a positive step forward, there’s still more work to be done to ensure full equality and protection. As a law firm committed to equality and justice, we welcome these changes and remain dedicated to advocating for LGBTQ+ rights in education and beyond.

Let’s continue working together to build a future where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and equality under the law.

April 30, 2024

Age discrimination isn’t just about getting older; it’s about being a woman at any age. A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review [https://buff.ly/3QpdLIt] echoes the real-life experiences of women of all ages, shedding light on the widespread impact of gendered ageism in the workplace, affecting women of all generations.

From being called pet names to facing disbelief about their expertise, younger women encounter significant biases. Meanwhile, middle-aged and older women are often overlooked for advancement or deemed unworthy due to age-related stereotypes.

This systemic issue not only undermines women’s careers but also hurts organizational performance. Combatting gendered ageism starts with recognizing and addressing these biases.

To prevent age discrimination, organizations can:
– Recognize age bias by providing training on gendered age bias
– Address “lookism” by ensuring that appearance is not a factor in hiring, promotion, or performance evaluation
– Focus on skills, not age, when making hiring or promotion decisions
– Cultivate creative collaborations by developing intergenerational, mixed-gender teams to encourage learning and collaboration

Let’s create workplaces where skills, not age, determine success.

April 26, 2024

We’re thrilled to share a recent victory for one of our amazing clients, a talented and loyal employee and dedicated mother who dared to believe she could take leave to have a child, recover and return to her job. Proud of her Afghan heritage, our client grew up believing she could be part of the American dream as she worked her way up the corporate ladder in a startup she believed in and that promoted itself as a parent-friendly environment.

In the face of postpartum challenges, she found herself confronting a wrongful termination during maternity leave – a situation that no one should have to face. Despite her exceptional performance and significant contributions in her niche industry, she was told her role had been eliminated when in fact her role had only been restructured to accommodate her leave. The company kept the person who had been given her duties while on leave.

Amidst this adversity, our client discovered a newfound sense of self-confidence and determination. She realized that by standing up for herself, she could set an example for her young children and for those facing similar challenges.

We are deeply honored to have been by her side throughout this journey, supporting her as she found her voice and, in doing so, stood up for workplace fairness and the rights of working parents everywhere.

November 29, 2022

Sarah Nichols had a great time today as a panelist with Chad Atwell for StartupExperts’ Fireside Chat: Compensation and the New California Law. Sarah and Chad sat down to answer attendees’ questions on the new CA laws going into effect January 2023 around pay transparency and pay equity.
Learn more about the StartupExperts community here: StartupExperts · Luma

October 10, 2022

The National Women’s Law Center released a report last week outlining the progress the U.S. has made since the #MeToo movement went viral, entitled #MeToo Five Years Later: Progress & Pitfalls in State Workplace Anti-Harassment Laws.

The report shows that since the #MeToo movement:
– 22 states and the District of Columbia have passed 70+ workplace anti-harassment bills
– 9 states passed workplace anti-harassment legislation in 2022. By comparison, only about 3 states passed such reforms in 2017 (before the #MeToo movement)
– Most bills are passing with bipartisan support
– Both conservative and progressive states have passed workplace anti-harassment bills, but nearly 60% of states have been progressive, coastal states such as CA and NY
– Women of color, workers with disabilities and low-paid workers have not fully benefited from many of these reform efforts

It also shows that the top state policy trends include:
– 16 states limited or prohibited employers from requiring employees to sign nondisclosure agreements as a condition of employment or as part of a settlement agreement
– 13 states have implemented/strengthened anti-harassment training requirements for certain employers or required employer anti-harassment policies
– 10 states + D.C. expanded workplace harassment protections to more workers, including independent contractors, domestic workers, interns, volunteers, and/or employees of smaller employers
– 9 states extended the statute of limitations for filing a harassment or discrimination claim

Remember this movement was started by a black woman – Tarana Burke. Her powerful story is available at -> https://lnkd.in/gZ4Jyyh2

Also, check out the report from NWLC to learn ways on how to help end workplace discrimination and harassment -> https://lnkd.in/gYcGRUY6

October 05, 2022

Nichols Law stands in solidarity with Iranian women as they bravely fight against vicious “morality police”.

We must amplify their voices as they fight daily for freedom against injustice.

Here are non-profits working to help Iranian women you can support:

– The NCRI Women’s Committee: https://lnkd.in/e6VhjwtR
– United For Iran: https://lnkd.in/gSwsvW4u

You can also donate to U.S.-based human rights organizations that focus on Iran:

– Abdorrahman Boroumand Center: https://lnkd.in/dtYmpVqW
– Center for Human Rights in Iran: https://lnkd.in/d2d2xg_r
– Human Rights Activists News Agency: https://www.en-hrana.org/

Follow these women activists and journalists covering the protests:

– Mahsa Alimardani, researcher and advocate for Article19.org
– Roya Boroumand, co-founder of the Abdorrahman Boroumand Center
– Jasmin Ramsey, deputy director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran
– Azadeh Pourzand, human rights researcher and writer, and director of the Siamak Pourzand Foundation
– Gissou Nia, director of the Atlantic Council Strategic Litigation Project
– Golnaz Esfandiari, reporter covering Iran for Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty
– Masih Alinejad, Iranian journalist and activist

October 04, 2022

Brutal. We had a 300% increase in potential clients reaching out to us this week due to a rush of layoffs happening across multiple industries.

Employers – make sure you review your layoff lists carefully to make sure rogue managers aren’t using this as a way to discriminate or retaliate. A layoff isn’t bullet proof.

Employees – don’t overspend and if you think there is a potential for future layoffs that include you, don’t be discouraged, now is a good time to connect with friends and get your resume out there before the holiday chill on hiring. If you’ve been laid off and suspect it is a cover for discrimination or retaliation, seek legal advice. I heard today an employee was told his non-disclosure agreement meant he couldn’t speak with an attorney. An NDA can’t be used to hide illegal activity.

Early ocean beach run that was so slow my dog ran rings around me.

October 01, 2022

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM).

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021, 31.4% of employees reported having a disability. Now is a great time for employers to review their company policies and work accommodations to make sure they adhere to an accessible, supportive and inclusive work culture.

What you are able to do as a company is limited if you are not getting input from these employees. There is no doubt in our mind, that employees who have or have had a disability provide a unique and valuable perspective that will add value to the service or product you provide.

You can learn more about how to participate in NDEAM and ways to support its message — not only during October, but every day — by visiting www.dol.gov/NDEAM.

September 29, 2022

*Attention CA Employees & Employers*

Yesterday, Gov. Newsom signed SB 1162 into law requiring CA employers to disclose how much they pay employees and contractors.

Under the new law, employers with 15+ workers are required to include pay ranges in job postings, and those with 100+ employees/contractors will have to report the median and mean hourly pay rates to the California Civil Rights Department (CRD, formerly DFEH), by job category as well as race, ethnicity, and sex data.

The signing of SB 1162 makes California the largest state that requires the affirmative disclosure of pay scale information.

Importantly, it also requires an employer, upon request, to provide to an employee the pay scale for the position in which the employee is currently employed.

“This is a big moment for California workers, especially women and people of color who have long been impacted by systemic inequities that have left them earning far less than their colleagues,” said state Sen. Monique Limón, and we couldn’t agree more.

Read the full bill here: https://lnkd.in/gp4UKgj6

September 22, 2022

Nichols Law currently seeks an employment attorney with 5-10 years of experience for a part-time role. We are an employment law firm helping primarily employees as they navigate issues with their employers. We are passionate about closing the wage gap and helping whistleblowers.

You will work with the team to proactively resolve disputes for our clients and will obtain career-building experience with potential for advancement and growth.

We’re committed to ensuring that employees work to live and don’t live to work, and we are dedicated to creating an environment where employees are valued for their contributions and the perspectives they bring.  Results are rewarded through a bonus plan.  The firm provides a flexible approach to remote work from home or in person at the office.

The successful candidate will demonstrate excellent brief writing and communication skills, have significant experience negotiating, be tech savvy and be able to take initiative, maintain composure and a sense of humor. Trial experience is a plus.

Responsibilities include:

– Executing client work with quality and efficiency, as directed by supervising attorney(s)
– Communicating with clients and opposing counsel via email, phone, and in-person
– Promptly and accurately recording time spent on client matters via Clio
– Engaging in negotiations and mediations
– Drafting, reviewing and researching briefs
– Conducting depositions and court appearances
– Other duties as assigned

– J.D. degree
– Member of the CA state bar
– Minimum 5 years of relevant experience
– Comfortable with computers and software such as Outlook and Microsoft Office
– Strong technical and strategic aptitude
– Strong verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills
– Ability to independently manage own workload and meet deadlines

Our firm is an equal opportunity employer regardless of age, race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or military or veteran status. Our core firm values are integrity, being proactive, collaboration, flexibility and compassion.

To inquire, learn more about this opportunity or to apply, please contact us at [email protected].

Please send the reasons you are interested in the role, your resume, writing sample, list of references and salary expectations.

September 15, 2022

Nichols Law has represented doctors, CFOs and lawyers seeking to rectify equal pay. In one case, the Chief Medical Officer told the female doctors the difference was justified because he had a “gentleman’s agreement” to pay a man more. (Yelp!) Even the most successful women experience pay inequality but right now, only those with access to information are able to change that.

Transparency is necessary to change inequality for all women, minorities and for everybody. Not just those in the C-suite. People are starting to share pay information and that’s only going to increase. Businesses need to get ahead of the curve and figure this out. No more gentlemen’s agreements. Please.


September 14, 2022

Since our first jobs, we were programed to believe, “the customer is always right” and to know “which side the bread is buttered on.” This can be dangerous when the customer is completely out of line. There are plenty of situations where the customer is dead wrong and abusing their power. We are hardwired to believe otherwise because that’s what we are taught as soon as we enter the workforce – to treat clients with respect and to make them happy. However in situations where a client is being unreasonable or disrespectful, companies have an overriding duty to protect their employees and to not permit, as well as prevent unwarranted harassment. This is true under California law as an employer may be liable for the behavior of a customer. Employers can’t just stick their head in the sand.

While clients might not intentionally try to cause problems or have malicious intentions, if their behavior is not in line with the company’s values, it is sometimes absolutely essential to say “no” in order to protect yourself or your team. Company culture is not just about how you work together, it is what you also allow clients and customers to get away with. There is no money worth putting your safety or the safety of others at risk.

September 8, 2022

Today is Equal Pay Day for Mothers! This marks the day the average working mother’s pay catches up to that of the average working father. On average, working mothers make 58 cents for every $1 working dads make and there’s a significant and disproportionate impact on mothers of color, including those who work full time and year-round, as well as those that work in part time and contract positions. Research from Equal Rights Advocates shows that after two years of economic uncertainty due to the pandemic, over 50% of Black and Latinx caregivers struggled making ends meet due to increased caregiving responsibilities and debt. Read full data summary here → https://lnkd.in/g-VbYfSA

It is imperative that employers enact and employees voice support for policies that are dedicated to gender equity. Pay transparency and equal pay practices like regular audits can help identify disparities that negatively impact working mothers. CA residents, you can help by urging Governor Newsom to sign the Pay Transparency for Pay Equity Act (#SB1162) with a pre-drafted email from Equal Rights Advocates.
Click here → https://p2a.co/1fey82O

You can also urge your senators to support/pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) that would close loopholes for pregnant workers requesting reasonable accommodations and wouldn’t force workers to choose between their income and their health. → https://p2a.co/wvINd6q

September 02, 2022

New federal data shows that the gender pay gap starts as soon as graduates enter the workforce. The data covered 1.7 million graduates and showed that after 3 years of graduation, the median pay for women was less than men in 75% of 11,300 undergrad and grad programs at 2,000 universities.

According to the Labor Department, women nationally earn on average 82.3 cents to every dollar a man earns. Researchers have found that early-career pay disparities are present in a range of fields, including those dominated by men, such as business, and those dominated by women, such as teaching. The majority of programs show that the median pay for men is higher than women, even at every degree level.

This shows that women are already facing a pay disparity before they even enter the workforce, a fact that researchers say is due to discrimination at all career levels, even with laws against it.

Shawn VanDerziel, executive director of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, said, “We need executives taking note of this,” and we completely agree in order to close this gap and remove the disadvantage women who haven’t even begun their careers are facing.

Click the link below to read the full WSJ report.

August 31, 2022

Why is it that for many people it’s so much easier to offer help when someone needs it, but much more difficult to ask for help when you need it? Many people are hardwired to want to be independent and self-reliant, and when we need help – whether logistically or emotionally – this is then mistaken as a sign of weakness, when it really isn’t. Like a muscle, this is something that many of us have to grow and strengthen (albeit uncomfortable at times). With practice, it can be easier and more natural to ask for help and so we’ve gathered some tips to help you grow that muscle:

1) Start small – Start with easy things such as asking a friend for advice or an employee at a store to help locate an item.
2) Help others – Reciprocity is key to maintaining any social relationship, so if you put an effort into helping others, that help will typically be reciprocated.
3) Don’t make assumptions – Don’t assume that people aren’t willing to help you. Most people are very willing to provide any help they can, and typically if they’re unable to provide you with resources or the help you need, they often times know someone who can.
4) Be specific – the easiest way to ask for help is to ask for directly what you need and articulate that request clearly.

And just a reminder asking for help doesn’t mean you’re incapable or weak. It means you know (or are learning your) limitations and are courageous enough to show your vulnerability. Some of us at Nichols Law feel the most alive when we are helping others so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

August 31, 2022

A huge congratulations to NASA Astronaut, Colonel Nicole Aunapu Mann for making #herstory as the first Native American woman to travel to space! Nicole, a member of the Wailacki of the Round Valley Indian Tribes in Northern California, will be the commander of a SpaceX Crew 5 mission expected to travel to space later this year.

Nicole could also very well be the first woman on the moon in a landing set for 2025. Go Nicole!

August 19, 2022

Nichols Law, P.C. is proud to announce the $2.2 million settlement of claims for gender and age discrimination and retaliation of its five clients, Mary Elizabeth Knox, Jill Henderson, Rachel Piersig, Alison Chandler and Mary Blumberg against Contra Costa County. We are grateful to our clients for their trust, professionalism and resilience. There were many people on our team we need to thank who worked on the case over the years including Brooke Sutter, Meeta Dama, Rachel Bravo, Eileen Rice, Rebecca Wildman-Tobriner, K.C. Meckfessel Taylor, Candace Johnson, Tori Arnau, Prashanthi Manoharan and of course our co-counsel Shelley Molineaux and David Ratner and expert Dr. Peter Glick.

The five female prosecutor plaintiffs share over 100 years of collective experience impressively serving the residents of Contra Costa County on some of its most complex and heinous criminal matters. Despite their credentials, and advance notice to District Attorney Becton of the history of discrimination, these women were passed over for promotion and preferred assignments in favor of junior men who consistently enjoyed preferential treatment. After District Attorney Becton refused to investigate, temper, or mediate the age and gender discrimination, these women were left with no alternative other than legal action and as a result they suffered further retaliation.

Honorable Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero ruled that the case could proceed to trial and issued sanctions against Defendant’s counsel for intentionally withholding information from the public that “clearly shouldn’t have been secret” leading up to the election.

It is our hope that the resolution of this case sends a strong message to employers to value experienced women and to proactively take measures to create an equitable environment free of retaliation.

July 25, 2022

Last week the House voted to protect people’s access to contraception nationwide. The bill, named the Right to Contraception Act, would “create a federal right for people to access contraceptives and for doctors and pharmacists to provide them” without government restriction. The act covers “any device or medication used to prevent pregnancy.” Some of the listed examples include oral contraceptives, injections, implants (such as intrauterine devices) and emergency contraceptives.

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said, “… my three daughters are amazed that this legislation is on the floor. Amazed that there would be a premise that somehow the Constitution did not guarantee to my three daughters the right to make these decisions and not all of us…This is about freedom. This is about individual integrity. And this vote will show the American people where members stand on this question of whether it should continue to be legal for people in this country to pursue family planning as they perceive they want to do.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, 88% of U.S. women of childbearing age who do not want to get pregnant use contraception. The right to contraception has been protected for over 50 years by the Supreme Court’s 1965 ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut and we need to ensure that this right remains protected for people to choose whether or not they want to get pregnant.


July 21, 2022

This week, in an overwhelming amount of support, the House passed legislation protecting the right to same-sex and interracial marriages. The decision comes after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade concerning many that the Court would jeopardize other rights criticized by the far right, such as the right to contraception. The legislation, dubbed The Respect for Marriage Act, would “repeal a law from the Clinton era (the Defense of Marriage Act) that defines marriage as a heterogeneous relationship between a man and a woman…It would also provide legal protections for interracial marriages by prohibiting any state from denying out-of-state marriage licenses and benefits on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity or national origin.” It’s anticipated to pass the House in the following weeks but may be stalled by the Senate.

The Biden admin released a statement supporting the act stating, “No person should face discrimination because of who they are or whom they love, and every married couple in the United States deserves the security of knowing that their marriage will be defended and respected.”

Love is love, and no person should be denied the basic human right to marry whomever they wish or live in fear of being who they are.


July 01, 2022

This week, we’d like to shout out Dr. Marcy Adelman for her advocacy work in the LGBTQ+ SF senior community. Dr. Adelman is a clinical psychologist, respected psychotherapist, LGBTQI Longevity Consultant, Advocate and Policy Advisor.

She is also the founder of the LGBTQ+ Aging Research Partnership as well as the co-founder, alongside her late partner Jeanette Gurevitch, of Openhouse SF – a nonprofit advocacy group that provides affordable, LGBTQ+-friendly senior housing, as well as a safe environment for LGBTQ+ seniors to connect and build community. Programs at Openhouse include resource and housing navigation, community engagement, and wellness services. Openhouse is opening a building in San Francisco this fall at 95 Laguna that will be named the Marcy Adelman and Jeanette Gurevitch Openhouse Community. The Community will include 79 affordable senior apartments, plus an activity center for LGBTQ+ seniors.

Dr. Adelman is known as a pioneer in the field of LGBTQ+ aging and for the last 30 years has worked to make the lives, concerns and contributions of the LGBTQ+ senior community more visible. She is a leading advocate for quality LGBTQ+ elder care and policies ensuring equal treatment.

Thank you Dr. Adelman for your advocacy work in the LGBTQ+ senior community. Your work and research has been pivotal in educating the city and state officials on the needs of the LGBTQ+ elder community.


June 19, 2022

While Juneteenth is a celebration of freedom, it’s also a reminder that there’s so much work to be done to end ongoing oppression and racism. Nichols Law stands with our Black clients, colleagues, and community to continue to fight for equality, not just on Juneteenth, but every day.

If you’re looking for ways to be an ally, tell your senator to pass the Racial Justice Act for All (AB 256). The act, written by Assembly member Kalra, “provides equal opportunity to pursue justice for those who have already been harmed by the racial bias and discrimination that permeates our criminal legal system.” You can also visit the ACLU’s California #TakeAction page for more ways to support civil liberties and rights, equality and the fight to dismantle the systems still rooted in discrimination.



June 10, 2022

After an eight-week trial, a LA jury awarded two men alleging repeated sexual and racial harassment against Southern California Edison $440 million in punitive damages. Jurors also awarded the two men $24.6 million in compensatory damages totaling a verdict over $464.6 million.

One of the Plaintiffs was pushed out of his supervisor job at Edison after 16 years due to “constructive termination — a claim accusing the employer of creating or permitting intolerable working conditions in order to force out a worker” after he reported racist language and sexual harassment.

Plaintiffs’ lawyers presented evidence during the trial that showed Edison’s South Bay Office had a “fraternity-like” culture where sexual and racial harassment was not only common, but even “swept under the rug.”

The $22.37 million in compensatory damages awarded to one of the Plaintiffs is believed to be one of the largest awards for a Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) case in the history of California.

One of Plaintiffs’ lawyers, David deRubertis, said in a statement, “These two men had the courage to stand up and report the harassment…SCE’s and Edison’s response was to pretend the problem was limited to a handful of bad actors, ignoring the culture of tolerance for harassment and discrimination that was bred in the South Bay office.”

This case is an example of the ongoing retaliation and harassment that needs to end in work environments where “fraternity-like” culture tries to silence those that are brave enough to speak up against it.

June 6, 2022

Big law firms in the UK are beginning to offer global menopause policies and support packages to their employees. Firms such as Linklaters are providing their employees with resources and education regarding menopause to help encourage an open dialogue about what it is and how to navigate it.

Jessamy Gallagher, the executive committee champion for age and life stage at Linklaters said, “Menopause symptoms can have a detrimental impact on anybody living with them, and their working lives are not exempt from that.”

Firms link Linklaters are paving the way for more employers to better understand the impact fertility treatments, pregnancy losses and menopause can have on employees and how to support them with programs and policies through these times.

We only hope that other employers start to implement important policies and support packages, like Linklaters, in the future.


June 4, 2022

Nursing mothers did you know you have important rights in California? Did you know you have the right to pump at work? In CA, every employer is required to provide a reasonable amount of break time to accommodate a nursing employee to express breast milk (i.e. pump). This is called a Lactation Accommodation.

The CA Labor Commissioner’s Office has put together some FAQs and answers to help mothers better understand these rights:

1. Q. Does an employer have to provide an employee with additional break time to express breast milk?
A. Yes, an employer must provide additional break time to employees who need it.

2. Q. Does an employer have to pay for the additional time to express breast milk?
A. No. While the employer must allow an employee to leave the work area to pump, the employer does not have to pay for pumping time, beyond the standard break time.

3. Q. Can an employer demand a doctor’s note or other medical documentation?
A. No. Your employer cannot require you to submit any documentation regarding your need to express breast milk.

4. Q. Does an employer have to provide someone with a place to express breast milk?
A. Yes, your employer must provide you with the use of a room or other location, other than a bathroom, in close proximity to your work area, shielded from view, and free from intrusion while you are expressing milk in private. This may include the place where the employee normally works if it otherwise meets the requirements.

5. Q. What happens if an employer does not provide someone with the opportunity to take a break for lactation purposes?
A. If you feel your employer is not providing you with adequate break time and/or a place to express milk as provided for in Labor Code section 1030, you may file a wage claim to recover one hour of premium pay at your regular rate of pay for each violation.

Visit the CA Labor Commissioner’s Office website for more info.


June 1, 2022

Happy Pride!!

Today marks the first day of Pride month which celebrates and honors LGBTQIA+ culture, inclusion, equality, and activism. To our LGBTQIA+ community, we see you, we stand with you, and we will continue to fight for your rights.

We’ve learned so much about courage, family and identity from LGBTQIA+ clients and friends, and Nichols Law is grateful to be in support of this community all year round.

Check out and donate to one of our favorite organizations:

SF LGBT Center – https://www.sfcenter.org/

The Trevor Project – https://lnkd.in/gSG_Ckx

Lambda Legal – https://lnkd.in/eFErKmb

May 23, 2022

There’s a national shortage of baby formula in the U.S. impacting millions of families. In an attempt to address this crisis and provide aid to the impacted families, the House passed two bills last week. In a 414-9 vote, the first initiative would assist low-income families to access formula through funds from a federal program. In a 231-192, the second initiative would send $28 million to the FDA to expedite and increase the baby formula supply. It would also help prevent future shortages.

The Biden administration has also announced they would invoke the Defense Production Act – a 1950 law, that allows the government to direct manufacturing production for national defense – which would prioritize the production of key ingredients essential for baby formula and urge manufacturers to provide additional resources. Biden has also launched a program that will use U.S. military aircraft to import formula from abroad.

Check out @chamberofmothers and @thefifthtrimester on Instagram for more details & resources to help those impacted by the crisis.



May 20, 2022

A historic win this week for the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team as they reach a landmark collective bargaining agreement with the U.S. Soccer Federation agreeing to pay both the men and women’s teams equally. This agreement comes months after the women’s team and the U.S. Soccer Federation reached a settlement over a long equal pay battle.

The new agreements create identical economic terms for the two teams. This means that the U.S. Soccer Federation will pay men and women’s players the same roster appearance fees and performance payments, plus the same game bonuses for official competitions such as the World Cup.
The U.S. is now the first country where national teams have agreed to pool and share their prize money from tournaments.

U.S. women’s player Margaret “Midge” Purce said, “I feel a lot of pride that there are a lot of young girls who are going to see what we’ve accomplished and grow up recognizing their value rather than fighting to find it.”

This is a historic moment in the ongoing fight for equal pay.


May 09, 2022

A huge congratulations to Karine Jean-Pierre as the new White House Press Secretary!! Karine makes history as the first Black woman and openly gay person to serve in the prestigious role. This isn’t the first time Karine has made history either! Last year she also became the first Black woman in decades to address reporters on behalf of the president in a briefing room. When asked about her #herstorical moment Karine commented, “It’s not lost on me… I understand how important it is for so many people out there, so many different communities…That I stand on their shoulders, and I have been throughout my career.”

Congratulations Karine! We see you and we support you.


April 15, 2022

Let’s say you’re a woman who has worked ridiculously hard to get to where she is in her career, you’re performing great, and are considering starting a family or have recently become a mother, then BAM all of a sudden you begin to notice changes at work. These could range from micro aggressions around your perceived competence, to advantages other coworkers are given, and even to a decrease in your wages. This is called the motherhood penalty, which is, you guessed it, literally a penalty associated with becoming a mother or having more children.

While the Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, it unfortunately doesn’t prohibit an employer from thinking a mother is “worth less” than another worker. According to the National Women’s Law Center, mothers in the U.S. working full time, year-round earn 70 cents for every dollar a father makes, or $18,000 less annually. A study, called “Getting a Job: Is There a Motherhood Penalty?”, found that women who indicated they were mothers on job applications were less likely to be considered and offered less money if they did get the job. It even showed that competence ratings for mothers from evaluators were 10% lower than non-mothers.

We as a society should be working together to support mothers and hold employers accountable by addressing the biases working mothers are facing every day so that the motherhood penalty can eventually be eliminated.


April 13, 2022

With everything going on in our personal and work lives, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and burdened with the weight of the world on our shoulders. But what if that could change by learning to say “no”? Saying no is actually a form of self-care (albeit a rather radical and even uncomfortable one for many of us). In a world where everything is urgent, deadlines are firm, and to-do lists are never ending, prioritizing yourself over obligations and relationships can feel like a pipe dream. However, setting boundaries in your personal and professional life can ultimately help prioritize what needs to be done versus what can be done later on when you’re not battling burnout and overall in a better state of wellness.

Let this serve as a reminder that by saying no, you are ultimately saying yes to yourself (and P.S. that doesn’t make you selfish).

April 07, 2022

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has officially been confirmed by VP Kamala Harris as the 1st Black Woman Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history! Congratulations are in order for this #herstoric and well-deserved nomination. Keep shattering those glass ceilings Judge Jackson. You are an inspiration to us all.

Judge Jackson will formally begin her tenure this fall once Justice Stephen Breyer’s term ends this summer.

[Photo credits: HuffPost]

April 07, 2022

As IVF treatment grows in popularity, we’ve seen that many companies are still navigating (or don’t even have) policies around infertility treatments, pregnancy loss, and other medical treatment/conditions related to conception and pregnancy. The lack of these policies places a huge burden on employees to not only navigate complex laws but to also seek help from their employer, whom may not be very understanding about the situation. Employees may even feel that they are being forced to share their private medical condition in order to take leave.

Until employers develop and improve their policies around infertility treatments, here are some helpful things to know regarding CA employment laws.

Q: Is Infertility a Disability Under State & Federal Law?

A: In CA, the Fair Employment & Housing Act (FEHA) applies to employers with at least 5 employees. This protects workers with permanent and temporary disabilities that impair major life activities. It’s generally acknowledged that conceiving and carrying a child are “major life activities” and that infertility and related conditions are protected under FEHA. This means that your employer cannot discriminate against you based on these conditions. They are also required to reasonably accommodate you (i.e. permitting you a modified work schedule or leave of absence to attend appointments or undergo fertility treatments).

Q: Can I Take Time Off Work for IVF?

A: Yes, if your employer is large enough to be covered by FEHA. Employers covered by these laws are legally required to offer reasonable accommodations permitting you to obtain testing, diagnosis, or treatment for covered conditions. You may also be entitled to leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). Under FMLA and CFRA, you are entitled to up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave for your own serious medical conditions, including infertility-related disabilities if you have worked for a covered employer for at least one year and 1,250 hours.


April 05, 2022

Considerations When Negotiating Your Exit:

1. What have they offered other employees? Was there anything illegal about the termination or the way you have been treated? Was there discrimination in a protected category? Were you retaliated against for reporting something illegal or taking protected leave?

2. Don’t be pressured prematurely into agreeing to resign unless you agree to the terms of the severance.

3. Ask if the terms can be mutual. For example, you will release claims against them if they release claims against you, you won’t disparage the company if they agree to do the same and you will keep matters confidential if they do too.

4. If you have equity or stock, what flexibility have they offered others on vesting or extending the exercise period?

5. Consider negotiating how they describe your termination and what they say when a potential new employer calls and who they speak to about your title and dates of employment etc. Consider negotiating a written recommendation if there has been praise of your performance.

This post and its contents is for informational purposes only and not intended to be relied upon as legal advice.  This post does not create an attorney client relationship. If you require legal advice, you should contact a lawyer to advise you personally about your situation.

March 15, 2022

Today is #EqualPayDay!

According to U.S. Census data, last year the average U.S. woman was only paid 83 cents for every $1 paid to the average man.

This means that it takes women an extra 3 ½ months of full-time work to catch up with men’s pay. This also means that, on average, women lose over $10k every year due to pay discrimination.

Equal Rights Advocates (ERA) found that if the gender wage gap were eliminated, the average woman would have enough additional money every year for:
– An entire additional year of child care;
– One year of tuition and fees for a 4-year public university, or the full cost of tuition and fees for a 2-year college;
– More than 9 months of rent for the following year;
– 7 months of health insurance (premiums through employer-based plans);
– More than a year’s worth of food; OR
– Enough money to pay off their student loan debt in under 4 years.

The pay gap for women of color is even greater. It’s time to close the wage gap between men and women for good. Here are ways that you can join us in supporting the fight for equal pay:

1) Follow @Equal Pay Today on social media to help raise awareness about the impact of the wage gap.
2) Attend one of Equal Pay Today’s online events in March
3) Participate in Equal Pay Today’s week of action leading up to 2022 equal pay days throughout the year.
4) Contact Congress about the #PaycheckFairnessAct. You can send an email through ERA’s website to your local representative > https://lnkd.in/giCBEZwQ

5) Email CA lawmakers to support pay transparency (SB 1162) through ERA’s website > https://lnkd.in/gPbcHqTy

6) Donate to ERA to support the National Equal Pay Today Coalition > https://lnkd.in/gCq3xXvE

March 08, 2022

Today is International Women’s Day!

This year’s #IWD campaign theme is #BreakTheBias.

Bias, whether deliberate or unconscious makes it extremely difficult for women to move ahead, and simply understanding that bias exists isn’t enough – action is needed to break the bias that plagues women every day in workplaces, schools & universities, and communities. Collectively, we can break the bias and continue to strive towards a gender equal world – free of bias, discrimination, and stereotypes, a world that celebrates differences, diversity and inclusiveness.

Nichols Law is committed to #BreakTheBias by fighting for our clients facing discrimination and pay disparity in the workplace. We encourage people to listen to Sarah’s podcast, The Women’s Advocate, where women from diverse backgrounds share their incredible journey plus negotiation tips and resources for working women/mothers.

For ways to show your support and help create positive change for women visit International Women’s Day 2022 site internationalwomensday.com. 

March 07, 2022

This week President Biden officially signed the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault & Sexual Harassment Act into law! This is a huge leap towards justice for women in the workplace.

The law prohibits employers from forcing workers to settle sexual harassment claims through arbitration that often favor and protect the alleged perpetrator. With about 60 million U.S. employees bound by arbitration clauses, this new law allows employees to file a lawsuit in court rather than being subject to a system that favors the repeat players (employers).  The law allows the parties to agree to arbitration.

As Biden said, “It should be their choice and nobody else’s choice.”


March 2, 2022

A huge congratulations to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on her her-storical nomination by President Biden as the 1st Black Woman to serve on the Supreme Court!

This nomination is well-overdue, and we urge the Senate to confirm Judge Jackson as soon as possible. If confirmed, Judge Jackson would not only be the first Black woman to serve but also the third Black person and the sixth woman on the federal bench. Black women have been dramatically underrepresented in America’s highest court and representation is more critical than ever right now. As President Biden said, it’s time that the Supreme Court starts looking like the country.

February 24, 2022

A huge congratulations to the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) on their monumental & her-storical win for reaching a settlement over their equal pay dispute with the U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF) after six long years!

The agreement comes after USSF claimed that “the female players were not entitled to the same pay because they have less skill” and that male soccer players require “more responsibility” than female players.

USSF pledged to equalize pay and will pay players $22 million to cover back pay (which is only a third of the claimed damages owed) plus a $2 million fund for players in their post-soccer careers and charitable efforts aimed at growing the sport for women.

Thank you to the women of the USWNT for opening a new chapter in the fight for equal pay. We see you. We are grateful for you, and we are proud to be fighting for equal pay for our clients.


February 23, 2022

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) could be up for a vote as soon as this week!

What is it, you might ask? It’s a federal bill that would close loopholes for pregnant workers requesting reasonable accommodations (i.e., such as requesting to sit down during the workday or taking frequent breaks).

Even though Congress outlawed pregnancy discrimination in 1978, there are still a shocking number of employers routinely denying pregnant workers accommodations to continue working while still maintaining a healthy pregnancy. The lack of reasonable accommodations can lead to severe health complications for these mothers. No one should ever have to choose between their job and financial security and a healthy pregnancy.

Visit Equal Rights Advocates website for ways that you can help support the PWFA such as tweeting at your local senators for their support! PWFA must be passed to end pregnancy discrimination and protect working mothers!


February 17, 2022

Last week Congress approved the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act that amends the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) “invalidating clauses in employment agreements requiring employees to arbitrate claims of sexual assault or sexual harassment.”

This is an amazing new law that, once signed by President Biden, will ensure employers, universities and other organizations will no longer be able to require people to sign away their right to file a lawsuit over sexual harassment allegations.

Most people, especially women, don’t realize that once they sign an employment agreement, they are giving up their right to pursue legal action in court. This is a huge step for law towards increasing protections in the workplace.

Read more on the bill below.

February 05, 2022

We’d like to recognize #LadyBoss Victoria Pynchon, the founder of She Negotiates, for her fierce advocacy work creating a space and community for women to improve their negotiation skills both personally and professionally.

Victoria works with women to help overcome their fear of negotiating for themselves – a fear many of us can relate to – by challenging their perception of themselves. “Most women – no matter how successful – focus on their inadequacies…They are acutely aware of what kind of pushback they are going to get,” says Victoria. Even the most successful women still find themselves doubting themselves. This can be helped, as Victoria says by “shifting your perspective and focusing on your strengths and not your deficiencies.”

Learn more about Victoria on the She Negotiates website https://lnkd.in/g_tDPAdr or check out her new podcast SheNegotiates Go Victoria!


February o3, 2022

“Work-life balance” – the utopia we all strive for, yet can seem impossible most days, especially when working from home. When thinking of work-life balance, many often associate a perfect harmony of equal hours spent on work, and life outside of work. It’s not so black and white though, especially when home life has become work life and vice versa.

This “perfect balance” is really more of an ungraceful juggle, or rather a blending of both aspects of our life. It looks different for everyone (so try not to compare your situation to others) and could change on a daily basis. For example, this balance looks different for working parents compared to a single, post-grad student. But that’s OK.

People lead their own individual lives, and we all have our own priorities, especially after the last two years, that makes this balance unique to everyone individually. And while there is no perfect balance, we hope these tips help.

January 27, 2022

We are halfway through the week!

Take the time to celebrate your accomplishments you’ve achieved this week so far – big or small. There is so much going on in our lives and yet many of us still make the time to celebrate the big things like promotions, a settlement for a client, birthdays, etc., but what about our own small victories and accomplishments? Why is it so hard to celebrate ourselves over the little things we’ve done? Like getting the kid to school on time, remembering to eat during the workday, even getting outside for some fresh air. Even if they take only 5-10 minutes, a small win is still a win and pausing to celebrate that can serve as an essential marker of progress.

What are some of the small accomplishments you’re proud of this week?

January 26, 2022

Did you know on January 1st this year the minimum wage increased in over 20 states?

This is a record breaking number that is anticipated to increase by the end of 2022 according to The National Employment Law Project. This increase has already gone into effect in some states such as California and New York who have raised their minimum wage to $15. Other states such as Florida, Oregon, Nevada and Connecticut are anticipated to follow suit.

While the minimum wage is increasing in some states, the federal wage floor is still stuck at $7.25 (which it has been since 2009) meaning the continued fight for higher wages will fall to state and local governments.

See the full report here –> https://lnkd.in/gxG7prFS

January 15, 2022

*Attention Californians*

Are you up to date on the latest workplace protections that went into place January 1st?

Some of the most significant measures – half of which were spearheaded by women – enacted include greater protections around:

– Paid sick leave
– Workplace safety
– Corporate discrimination (part of Equal Rights Advocates #StrongerCA bills – #SB331 #SilencedNoMoreAct)
– Garment workers (part of ERA’s #StrongerCA bills – #SB62)
– Warehouse workers
– Recall rights
– Food Delivery; and
– Disabled workers

Stay up to date with workplace laws and #KnowYourRights!


January 13, 2022

We’re one week into 2022 and many of us are still processing the emotional rollercoaster of the last two years. While planning and setting your personal and/or business goals and intentions for the year, just a reminder of the importance of including self-care. We want to remind you that self-care shouldn’t be a luxury, but a priority. Take care of yourself not just when you’re sick, or tired, or already overwhelmed and facing burnout, but every day – all 365 days of 2022.

Take a walk. Go on that vacation. Check in on your friends and loved ones. Ask for help. Take a sick day.

Remember you are resilient and have made it this far and deserve to make your health a priority.

January 08, 2022

Congratulations to our very own #LadyBoss Sarah Nichols for being named in San Francisco Magazine’s Top Women Attorneys in Northern California in 2021! Go Sarah!!

December 21, 2021

A groundbreaking win last week as The San Francisco Board of Supervisors approves legislation making San Francisco the first city in the U.S. to require paid sick leave for nannies, cleaners, gardeners, and other domestic workers!

This legislation, dubbed “Domestic Workers Equal Access to Paid Sick Leave”, will impact about 10,000 workers in the city – workers that are primarily low-paid women and immigrants – and will create a “portable paid sick leave benefit” allowing workers to earn paid sick leave from each employer (or household) and then consolidate them. The employer will pay 1 hour of wages towards paid sick leave for every 30 hours of work.


March 24, 2021

Nichols Law stands in solidarity with the transgender and nonbinary community and their allies in the ongoing struggle for equality and justice on this #TransDayofVisibility.

Too many anti-trans bills have been introduced into state legislatures across the country, primarily targeting trans youth. Take action and urge the Senate to pass the Equality Act to protect the millions of people facing discrimination based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. Link below:


March 26, 2021

Weeks after a federal judge ruled that “time had already run out,” last week the House passed a bill to remove the deadline to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

The ERA, or what would be the 28th Amendment to the Constitution, is succinct: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

If implemented, activists and legal scholars presume there would be monumental effects clearing the way for Congress to guarantee equal pay, or bolster measures to counter domestic violence and sexual harassment.

“A whole generation of women thought they were protected and already equal, said Kate Kelly, a human rights lawyer and host of the podcast “Ordinary Equality.” The ERA is long overdue. No one’s rights should be denied on account of their gender.


March 24, 2021

Today is #EqualPayDay – which marks the day when women will have earned the same amount that white men earned at the end of 2020. Women are, on average, paid 82 cents to every dollar their white, male counterpart makes. It’s time to take a stand against pay inequity and discrimination. We need #EqualPay for women everywhere.

A guide to #EqualPay:

?️ vote for equity-based legislation

? support women leadership

?️ invite women to the table when making policy decisions

Concerned about how your state measures up when it comes to Equal Pay? Track what’s happening by searching for #equalpay laws through Equal Rights Advocates Policy Hub and support in the fight for #EqualPay.


An #EqualPayDay PSA: #COVID19 has made it clearer than ever that low-wage workers – 2/3 of which are women – are always essential. It’s time for Congress to recognize the value & dignity in all work by raising the minimum wage & passing #paidleaveforall (a boost for #equalpay)!

March 19, 2021

After eight years and thousands of lawsuits, Congress is finally considering a new bill called the Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act (#PWFA) that could provide women across the country who face pregnancy discrimination a clear channel for recourse. PWFA would address the loophole from the 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act and would require employers to enter into a negotiation with pregnant employees for any accommodations, creating a default expectation that businesses are on the hook (versus the employee) to provide pregnant women with the help they need.

According to A Better Balance, a national advocacy organization that provides free legal advice for pregnant women facing discrimination, and which helped Congress craft the PWFA, “In more than 66 percent of the dozens of discrimination cases filed between 2015 and 2019, courts sided with employers, stating that they didn’t need to provide pregnant women with accommodations, whether those were in the form of additional bathroom breaks or a stool to sit on.”

Amidst the pandemic, millions of women are out of work without protections or health insurance. There’s no time to waste. PWFA needs to be passed to provide relief to the millions of mothers that desperately need it.


March 13, 2021

The 65th session of the United Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65), the United Nations’ largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment starts on Monday. This year’s theme is “Women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.”

New data shows that:

-Women make up 25% of parliamentarians globally, and only three countries have 50% or more women in parliament.

-Less than 1% of parliamentarians are women under 30 years of age.

-Women make up only 13% of negotiators, 6% of mediators and 6% of signatories in formal peace processes.

-In 2020, only 7.4% of Fortune 500 companies were run by women.

-Just 22 countries in the world are headed by a woman.

-At the current rate of progress, it will take another 130 years to reach gender equality at the highest positions of power.

Check out CSW65’s website for more details on the upcoming events and ways you can help close the gender gap.


March 11, 2021

We just want to take in a moment to celebrate 21 episodes of The Women’s Advocate! A big shout out to all the #LadyBosses featured on The Women’s Advocate for getting us to over 2000 downloads since August!! We wouldn’t be here without you!

Stay tuned for more laughs, stories, and of course negotiation tips in the future!


March 8, 2021

This International Women’s Day we #ChooseToChallenge workplace biases, fight to close the wage gap, denounce inequality, and celebrate the historical, cultural, and political achievements of women everywhere.

If you’re interested in learning ways you can help fight the good fight, check out IWD’s resources:


March 2, 2021

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the #EqualityAct! The legislation would provide the most comprehensive LGBTQ+ protections in American history. Building upon the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act, the Equality Act prevents businesses and institutions from discriminating against people based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The bill also explicitly states that it overpowers the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which can allow certain groups to deny services to LGBTQ+ people on religious grounds. The act would extend protections to cover federally funded programs, employment, housing, loan applications, education and public accommodations as well.

In most states, LGBTQ+ people can still be fired, evicted, or denied services because of who they are or whom they love. This legislation would change that. It will face an uphill battle in the senate, but as President Biden said, “Every person should be treated with dignity and respect, and this bill represents a critical step toward ensuring that America lives up to our foundational values of equality and freedom for all.”


February 24, 2021

Yesterday Sarah called a client. “Where are you? Come now. You need to bank a check.” Within the hour, she handed a check to a man who had been repeatedly bullied by his former employer. He came to us seeking to get rid of the bully. “I don’t want money. I don’t want to cause trouble. I just want him to leave me alone.” Well we caused a little trouble on his behalf and are grateful we get to do this work.

February 17, 2021

A big congratulations to Sarah Nichols for receiving the 2021 Northern California Super Lawyers Award! Every year Super Lawyers recognizes attorneys that have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement through a multiphase selection process.

February 12, 2021

February is #BlackHistoryMonth and CNET has compiled a list of suggestions from NAACP, BLM, and ACLU on how you can support the Black community this month (and every month). From organizations to donate to, petitions to sign, Black businesses and restaurants to support, movies and docuseries to watch, and books to read, CNET’s article is a great resource to educate yourself on the ongoing fight for racial justice and the ways you can take action.


February 2, 2021

We want to congratulate Stacey Abrams for being nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Abrams is a voting rights activist recognized for her work to promote non-violent change via the ballot box. Her nomination is greatly deserved. Go Stacey!


January 30, 2021

A reminder that as of January 1st, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) now applies to employers with only 5 or more employees. This means that CA employees of small employers may be eligible for CFRA leave and related protections. Other critical changes that went into place include the ability of employees to take leave to care for grandparents, grandchildren, siblings and domestic partners, in addition to parents, children and spouses, and the availability of leave for qualifying military exigencies.

January 28, 2021

In honor of the historical Inauguration, we’d like to pay tribute to the incredible #LadyBosses that made President Biden’s Inauguration a celebration of unity, strength, and empowerment. VP Kamala Harris, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, Michelle Obama, Amanda Gorman, Jennifer Lopez, and Lady Gaga were just a few of the empowering women present. As Amanda Gorman said, “There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” Here’s to the women inspiring a new light. 2021 let’s do this.
African American female judge smiling with scales of justice in front of her

February 2020

We are proud to be representing prosecutors fighting gender and age discrimination. discrimination

February 2020

In honor of Black History Month, we’d like to take a moment to recognize some of the most influential black women throughout history. From political activists to groundbreaking feminists, these women made tremendous strides for the black community. Their courage, intellect, and strength deserve to be celebrated this month and every month. “As women, we must stand up for ourselves. As women, we must stand up for each other. As women, we must stand up for justice for all.” -Michelle Obama  blackhistorymonth women equalpay empowerment history activism civilrights genderequality
Sideview of Maya Angelou smiling wide, wearing sunglasses and a pink hat and jacket
Kristi Royse, CEO of KLR Consulting

February 2020

For our folks in need of leadership development programs, be sure to check out KLR Consulting, founded by this week’s LadyBoss Kristi Royse! Serving as KLR’s CEO with over 30 years of team-building and leadership development experience, Kristi specializes in preparing teams to excel. She is in great demand but you can catch her speaking at these next events:
March 5th: FWSF International Women’s Day EachForEqual
Negotiation for Women
San Francisco
March 11th: FEI SF Women in Finance
Realize Your Future: Create a Personal Strategic Plan
San Francisco
Check out KLR Consulting for more details! https://klrconsulting.com/
We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses!

February 2020

It will be interesting to watch Winston vs. Seyfarth in the fight over equal pay and the role of a collective bargaining agreement. equalpay discrimination
Screencap of video with Actress Cynthia Nixon

February 2020

So many of my clients and colleagues have had to deal with this. equalpay

February 2020

Nichols Law is pleased to announce its newest addition to its team, Rachel Bravo! She brings with her over ten years of experience representing clients in employment and business disputes and a passion for gender equity. Already we have seen her ability to quickly jump into matters and provide timely counsel to clients under pressure. We are grateful to have such an extraordinary attorney with us to help grow our team and provide support for our clients.

Brooke Sutter, Sarah Nichols, Rachel Bravo!
Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve, owner of Fairgrieve Law Office, P.C.

February 2020

For this week’s LadyBoss we’d like to celebrate Rose-Ellen Fairgrieve, owner of FAIRGRIEVE LAW OFFICE, P.C. Rose-Ellen’s background practicing in both the private and public sectors and litigating more than 15 trials and administrative hearings keeps her in demand as a counselor and litigator for employers navigating San Francisco’s complex labor and compliance laws. She is an excellent role model for other lawyers wanting to start their own practice. sanfrancisco compliance lawfirm employmentlaw


February 2020

Banner announcing Future of Women in Tech
Katie Bain, Laura Mazza, and Katherine Debski of Bain Mazza & Debski LLP and another woman

February 2020

For this week’s LadyBoss we’d like to sing the praises of the amazing women – Katie Bain, Laura Mazza, and Katherine Debski of Bain Mazza & Debski LLP! They are a highly awarded plaintiff-side firm based in San Mateo specializing in personal injury and employment law cases. Their clients rave about their responsiveness and diligence and they have been a wonderful support to me as I build my firm. We highly recommend them and are incredibly grateful for their support. We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses! employmentlaw law personalinjury plaintiff lawfirm


February 2020

For anyone looking for legal counsel regarding business organization, transactions, real estate and estate planning matters, look no further than VON ROCK LAW, P.C. Founded and managed by this week’s LadyBoss, Deidre Von Rock, Esq., VR Law provides you with a personal connection while embracing contemporary technology. With over 20 years of experience, Deidre will create the essential parts of your financial plan in a positive and efficient way that meets the needs of your family and/or business. We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses! financialplanning law estateplanning legaladvice

https://lnkd.in/gNVzpDXFor anyon

Deidre Von Rock, Esq., founder and manager of VON ROCK LAW, P.C.
Attorney Sarah Nichols in a red suit reading from a paper

January 2020

A big thank you to everyone that celebrated the new decade with Nichols Law this past Thursday at Mission Rock Resort! We are incredibly thankful for the overwhelming support we have received and look forward to making 2020 one of our best years yet! #2020 employmentlaw oneyear celebration decade law

January 2020

For today’s LadyBoss shoutout, we’d like to congratulate Stand Up Strategies’ President Olivia Morgan on her new role as Co-Founder and Executive Director of California Partners Project, a non-profit initiative launched by California First Partner, Jennifer Siebel Newsom. The organization plans to work in support of Senate Bill 826 prioritizing gender equity and the effect of media and technology on children’s well being and mental health. We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses!genderequity media nonprofit childrensmentalhealth wellbeing advocacy children support

Stand Up Strategies’ President Olivia Morgan
Renee Mars from SmartHR

January 2020

Looking for an excellent HR solution? Check out LadyBoss Renee Mars and Annie Jacobsen at SmartHR! Renee helps fast growing startups create and implement scalable HR practices and internal operations. Using her experience from Y Combinator and Tilt, her consultancy provides a light-weight HR solution that is cost and time effective. You can find your next HR solution at smarthr.co. We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses!

January 2020

Reflecting on the changes to the law in California last year and the brave people who spoke out and advocated for change. As a result, California law prohibits provisions in a settlement agreement that prevent the disclosure of factual information relating to certain claims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or harassment or discrimination based on sex, that are filed in a civil or administrative action. law justice discrimination nda sexualharassment californialaw advocate change


Actress Ashley Judd
Workplace investigator, Katherine Zarate Dulany, Esq. AWI-CH

January 2020

For this week’s LadyBoss shoutout, we’d like to recognize experienced and conscientious workplace investigator, Katherine Zarate Dulany, Esq. AWI-CH. She brings grace and wisdom to diligently and expeditiously complete complex investigations in a fair and calm manner. You’ll be lucky to have Katherine help you through the process. We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses!

December 2019

For any HR/Legal folks looking for a simple checklist for 2020 employment laws, look no further than Mary Topliff‘s list by clicking on the link below. betterlatethannever compliancetraining hr employmentlaw legal humanresources

Men and women sitting at large table watching standing woman point at a wall with several post-it notes stuck on it
Equal Rights Advocates members with Sarah Nichols

December 2019

Nichols Law had the pleasure of attending Equal Rights Advocates’ New Roaring Twenties: A Happy Hour for Gender Justice this week to kick off the start of the new decade. 2020 is a year of promise for social justice and we can’t wait to continue working with the ERA towards our combined mission of closing the wage gap. Make sure to check out their website to stay up to date on local events and ways to take action at equalrights.org!

December 2019

For this week’s LadyBoss shout out, we’d like to congratulate Epicurean Trader co-founder Holly McDell on another great year! With three locations in the city, the Epicurean Trader has been named San Francisco’s top rated specialty food store and is known for their overwhelming support of smaller, artisan brands. If you’re needing a last minute holiday gift, be sure to check out their deluxe gift baskets that were recently named in Forbes magazine below! We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses!


The Epicurean Trader, S.F. logo
Krista L. Mitzel of The Mitzel Group, LLP and Sarah Nichols

December 2019

For this week’s LadyBoss shout out, we’d like to congratulate Krista L. Mitzel on 10 years of her fabulous full service firm The Mitzel Group, LLP, and her support of women through her ProVisors Bay Area Womens’ Affinity Group. We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses!

December 2019

For our first Tuesday LadyBoss shout out, we’d like to celebrate Rebecca Hopkins receiving the SevenFifty Daily 2019 Drinks Innovators’ Award for her platform, A Balanced Glass. The web forum serves as a place for wine professionals to openly discuss mental health and wellness in the beverage industry. We love supporting our fellow Lady Bosses!


A Balanced Glass logo showing a glass of red wine as the center part of a lotus flower
Attorneys Chris Syder, Kim Stephenson, and Sarah Nichols

December 2019

Always good to spend more time catching up with Chris Syder, one of the U.K.’s top employment attorneys and lovely to meet tri-qualified Kim Stephenson (UK, NZ and CA). We’re building the Foreign Lawyer Legion and planning a panel for ways for companies to support the Sandwich Generation. foreignlawyerlegion sandwichgeneration hrlaw

December 2019

Today is LatinaEqualPay Day, marking how far into 2019 Latinas had to work to be paid what the average white man was paid in 2018 alone. I’m hopeful we’ll live to see a day when the data tells us we no longer have to mark this day—or any equal pay day—at all. To get there, here are some tips from Eva Longoria, Lean In, and Survey Monkey on steps companies and employees can take to help close the gap. #EqualityCantWait  payequity
Bar chart showing the wage gap between white men and Latina women
Members of San Francisco Employment Advisory Counsel with Sarah Nichols

November 2019

Sarah Nichols is looking forward to presenting to the San Francisco Employer Advisory Council tomorrow on the new independent contractor law AB 5 and it’s impact on worker classifications.

A big thank you to the San Francisco Employment Advisory Counsel for having Sarah Nichols last week to discuss and break down the new AB 5 law and its effect on worker classifications. employmentlaw sanfrancisco california

October 2019

Nichols Law planning for 2020 and celebrating that we’ve had our Operations Manager Brooke Sutter with us for 3 months. We are grateful for her every day.

Attorney Sarah Nichols and Operations Manager Brooke Sutter wearing lifejackets in a kayak on the water
Logo for Aussie Founders Network as a, orange circle with a white outline of a bridge and a kangaroo in the middle

September 2019

Last night Nichols Law was fortunate enough to attend the Aussie Founder’s Network fireside chat with the tenacious and brilliant John Papandriopoulos! It was so great to hear John’s inspiring story and unique journey. We’re looking forward to more AFN events in the future. aussiefoundersnetwork #residechat aussie


August 2019

Sometimes it’s nice to have a change of scenery- @theassembly is a great place for our team to work at every once in a while. A community space filled with driven and passionate women, the Assembly offers something for everyone! sanfrancisco theassembly wellness community womenempoweringwomen womenpreneur

Community workspace at The Assembly
Doordash logo on mobile phone

August 2019

Time to make sure your tips are right! doordash fooddelivery fooddeliveryapp tips sanfrancisco


August 2019

Curious how to tackle the top 10 issues facing your nonprofit? Join us this Thursday, August 22nd, at the Bank of San Francisco for a training with our very own Managing Partner, Sarah Nichols!

Thank you Bank of San Francisco for having us, and thank you to all the nonprofits that attended! It was a lively discussion with topics including hiring, benefits, misclassification, leave and the interactive process. nonprofits nonprofitorganization hr bankofsanfrancisco sanfrancisco sanfranciscobayarea discussion interactive presentation training bank joinus rsvp


Bank of SF logo of white San Francisco skyline and blue background
Members of the ProVisors' Executive Committee of San Mateo II, including Sarah Nichols

August 2019

Last week our Managing Partner, Sarah Nichols, had a great meeting with the fellow members of the ProVisors‘ Executive Committee of San Mateo II. The members are such great sources of wisdom with so many areas of expertise. provisors sanmateo committee law attorney

August 2019

Our very own founder and managing attorney, Sarah, is a member of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law. Be sure to check out their work on addressing the problems of systemic inequality and discrimination! antidiscrimination inequality berkeley equality womeninlaw law ucberkeley metoomovement research


Illustrated woman shouting #MeToo through megaphone
Screencap of the Nichols Law website with Sarah Nichols in a red suit with arms crossed and the San Francisco skyline in the background

August 2019

Don’t know how to address the elephant in the room? Feel like you’re not being heard? The team at Nichols Law knows how to help! Visit our new website for more information on our clients, services, and how to join our team! law womeninlaw womenlawyers nicholslaw employmentlaw hrlaw attorney sanfranciscobayarea counselling litigation coaching joinourteam


July 2019

Last week our Managing Attorney Sarah was given the opportunity to coach some of the lovely women of the Hastings Leadership Academy. We can’t wait to go back! Fantastic morning yesterday listening to @Emily Epstein and a privilege to attend as a coach. coach opportunity women womeninlawwomeninleadership womenempoweringwomen 


Logo for Worklife Law, University of California Hastings School of Law
Law 360 logo

June 2019

Ever wonder what classifies someone as an employee versus a contractor? Check out this article to keep up with Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court case. superiorcourt law360 employee contractor california

A Ninth Circuit panel on Monday undid its earlier finding that the California Supreme Court’s Dynamex decision — which made it harder for businesses to classify their workers as independent contractors — applies retroactively, saying the state’s highest court should have final say on the blockbuster ruling’s application. Read more at:


June 2019

If you’re looking to help end Imposter Syndrome check out this great program by Neha Sampat! impostersyndrome lawyers womenlawyers attorneys earlybird


Two people at a table, one holding a pen and writing and the other person with hand outstretched in black and white
Logo for the Worldwide #MeToo Movement announcing a conference on Global Resistance to Sexual Harassment and Violence

May 2019

Grateful for the opportunity to hear amazing speakers at the MeToo Conference at Berkeley Law School last week like Catharine MacKinnon and Saru Jayaraman. Legal scholars, practitioners and experts from around the world gathered to examine the systemic issues that permit sexual harassment and discussed creative solutions developed across the globe to address the problem. I’m looking forward to seeing the next steps in action as we work on these issues together.

December 2018

We had a lively panel discussion about Diversity and Inclusion last night at Financial Executives International’s meeting in Palo Alto. Aubrey Blanche  Courtney Karnes  Hyma Menath

Aubrey Blanche, Courtney Karnes, Sarah Nichols, Hyma Menath

Conscientious Advocates For Employees

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Conscientious Aussie Advocate For Employees

Contact us today and get the representation that you need

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(415) 504-3095

9 Pier, Ste. 100, San Francisco, CA 94111

Map of 75 Broadway

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(415) 504-3095

Monday – Friday 8-6pm

9 Pier Ste 100

San Francisco, CA 94111