Sue Bunnell is the Senior Vice President and Managing Counsel for Wells Fargo as well as the President and Co-Chair of Leading Women in Technology (LWT), a women’s professional development nonprofit. LWT’s mission is to help professional women develop the skills and experience they need to achieve their goals. Recently, Sue also joined the Board for the Professional BusinessWomen of California, which provides skill development, networking opportunities, and inspiration to women at all levels.

Sue Bunnell

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • How Sue Bunnell got to where she is today
  • What is Sue’s superpower and how has she used it during the COVID-19 crisis?
  • Sue talks about the moment in her career when she realized firsthand the bias that working women face
  • You can’t tell people what to think—but you can show them that they need to think differently
  • The empowerment and clarity that Sue gained from the WILpower program
  • Working with the tools you have to achieve greater success
  • How Sue counsels women who feel stuck in their careers
  • Sue’s advice to women feeling “mama guilt” during the current pandemic

In this episode…

As working women, it can sometimes feel impossible to change the opinions of those who don’t respect or appreciate you. However, as women’s advocate Sue Bunnell says, you can’t tell people what to think—but you can show them why and how they need to respect you. Her advice? Work hard, show up, and find a group of women who will motivate you.

Join host Sarah Nichols in this episode of The Women’s Advocate as she chats with Sue Bunnell, the President and Co-Chair of Leading Women in Technology (LWT), about how to find your power as a working woman. Sue shares her salty wisdom on approaching biases, negotiating job offers, and finding the fellow lady bosses that will hold you accountable. Stay tuned to discover how to reshape your career and get on the path to success today.

Sponsor for this episode…

This episode is brought to you by Nichols Law, PC, a San Francisco-based firm that represents clients worldwide and is dedicated to ensuring that women are treated and paid fairly in the workplace.

Nichols Law PC was founded by Sarah Nichols and their mission is to close the wage gap for women and give a voice to employees. Nichols Law represents individuals in retaliation to their discrimination and wage and hour claims. They also assist employees in negotiating their exits from employers.

If you aren’t sure if you’re being treated fairly, visit their website at and get a no-cost consultation. You can also send them an email at or give them a call at 415-504-3095.