Michelle Markwart Deveaux is the Founder and Owner of FaithCultureKiss, a voice and business coach who takes your voice and business to the next level. She is an award-winning actor and vocalist and has hosted workshops and masterclasses on business ownership, entrepreneurship, voice work, and acting. For the past 20 years, Michelle has worked with countless entrepreneurs and business owners to realign their goals and raise their voices.

Michelle holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from Patten University and a Master of Arts degree in Worship, Theology, and the Arts from Fuller Theological Seminary.


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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Michelle Markwart Deveaux talks about the importance of communication and how it relates to your voice
  • Michelle recalls how her career has evolved over the years
  • Dealing with Imposter Syndrome as a performer
  • Overcoming the challenge of how your voice should sound
  • Michelle reveals her goals for 2021 and helping women shift their business
  • How can voice coaches pivot to create new businesses?
  • Michelle describes her favorite type of client
  • Creating a framework and balance that works for your home office
  • What is your superpower?

In this episode…

Your voice starts from your toes and climbs through your diaphragm, building power and purpose before you even speak a word. It resonates in open spaces, creating a scale of understanding and reasoning—and it’s powerful.

Whether you use your voice as a performer or a business owner, Michelle Markwart Deveaux, the Founder of FaithCultureKiss and the SpeakEasy Cooperative, believes that when we decide to cultivate our voices, we lean into our superpower and our true self shines through.

In this episode of The Women’s Advocate, Sarah sits down with Michelle to discuss what it means to own your voice as a female business leader. Michelle also shares how COVID-19 has impacted the arts and entertainment industry, the importance of artists during this pivotal time and how solopreneurs create their space.

Resources Mentioned in this episode

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This episode is brought to you by Nichols Law, PC, a San Francisco-based firm that represents clients worldwide and is dedicated to ensuring that women are treated and paid fairly in the workplace.

Nichols Law PC was founded by Sarah Nichols and their mission is to close the wage gap for women and give a voice to employees. Nichols Law represents individuals in retaliation to their discrimination and wage and hour claims. They also assist employees in negotiating their exits from employers.

If you aren’t sure if you’re being treated fairly, visit their website at www.nicholslawyer.com and get a no-cost consultation. You can also send them an email at consult@nicholslawyer.com or give them a call at 415-504-3095.